Sunday 12 June 2011

Introduction to Biology

KnowledgebiologyThe scientific extension of human curiosity has given birth to the science of Biology.
Science is derived from Latin word scientia, means to know (knowledge).
The term 'Biology" is derived from bios, means life and logos, means discourse.
Aristotle is called father of Biology and Zoology.
Term 'biology' is given by Lamarck andTraviranus (1802).
Zoology is the branch of biology in which we study or become familier with the facts of animals life.
A scientific approach in Biology includes: observation, formulation of hypothesis, testing of hypothesis and
development of theory.
We study biology to understand ourselves better, to meet our needs, to solve problems, out of curiosity, to get
foodclothing and shelter, to maintain ecosystem and to conserve our nature resources, etc.
The term systematic, taxonomy and biological classification are often used as synonyms.
The term systematic was coined by Carolus Linnaenus in 1735.
Taxonomy is the study of the principle and procedures of classification.
The term taxonomy (Gr. Taxis, arrangement: nomos, law) was proposed by French botanist August de Candolle

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