Sunday 12 June 2011

Immune Disorders

Immunodefeciency Disorders
Immunodefeciency means deficiency of the immune system. The children who are born without either T cells or B cells lack the ability to fight against the diseases and so are highly prone to infections.Immune Disorders

Severe Combined Immuno defeciency (SCID): In this disorder both T cells and B cells are absent at birth. Since the body lacks the immune system even a small infection can be fatal. The children have been kept alive by keeping them in the isolation suits which resemble the space suits, in the developed countries. The air inside the suits is almost sterile, without germs so that the child does not catch any infection.

Acquired Immune Defeciency Syndrome – AIDS
Cause of AIDS – Acquired Immune Defeciency Syndrome is a disease caused by a virus that can be passed from one person to another chiefly during sexual contact or through sharing of intravenous drug needles and syringes. Other names: Scientists have named the AIDS virus HIV or HTLV – III or LAV also. These abbreviations stand for information denoting a virus that attacks white blood cells(T-lymphocyte) in the human blood.
HIV – Human Immuno defeciency Virus
HTLV – III – Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type III
LAV – Lymphadenopathy Associated Virus

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