Sunday 12 June 2011

Scope of Biology

scope of biology
Biology reveals to us the secretes of life uncovered by biologist through centuries of researches.
Biology is of great importance to mankind in a practical sense.
Young biologists to choose their field of specialization is called scope of Biology. The scopes are:-

The science of man and mankind including the study of the physical and mental constitution of man.
It also deals cultural development, social condition, as exhibited by both in present and past.

Biomedical engineering
Branch of engineering dealing with the production of spare parts for man.
Artificial limbs, heart, lungs and other machines to help impaired body funtions are the product of Bio medical engineering used by the doctors.

It deals with the use of living organisms or of substances obtained from them in industrial process.

Food technology
The science of processing and preservation of healthy foods.
The application of science for the manufacture of milk products is called Dairy technology.
Culture: the rearing of honey bees, bee keeping especially for commercial purposes.
Fishery or Pisiculture : The industry of rearing and catching fishes or other products of the sea, lakes, rivers or ponds.
Sericulture : the breeding and treatment of silkworms for producing raw silk.
Entomology deals with the structure, habits, and classification of insects.

Genetic Engineering
It involves genetic manipulation to produce an organism with a new combination to improve the heredity.
The production of improved varities by selecting mating is called breeding.
Application of scientific knowledge to question civil and criminal laws is called forensic science.

Vetenary Medicine
It deals with the study of domesticated animals and their health care.
Science dealing with the rearing of domestic fowls such as chickens, ducks and geese are called poultry science.

The science of treating diseases with drugs or curative substances.
The science dealing with structure, function and use of microscopic organisms is called microbiology.
The science dealing with the nature of diseases their causes, symptoms and effects is called pathology.
The branch of medicine, involving physical operations to cure diseases or injuries to the body is called Surgery.
The science of knowledge of drugs and preparation of medicine is called pharmacology.

A method of treatment of convalescents and for physically handicapped utilizing light work for diversion, physical exercise or vocational training is called occupational therapy.
The treatment of diseases, bodily weakness or defects by physical remedies, such as massage and exercise called physiotherapy.

Branches of Biology

Acarology:- Study of mprawnites and ticks.
Aerology:- Study of flying organisms.
Anatomy:- Study of structure of internal organs.
Anthropology:- Study of natural history of man.
Aphidology:- Study of aphids.
Apiculture:- The rearing of honey bees and obtaining honey.
Aquaculture:- The culture of fish and other aquatic animals.
Araneology:- Study of spiders.
Bacteriology:- Study of bacteria.
Batracology:- Study of frogs.
Carcinology:- Study of Crustaceans.
Cnidology:- Study of coelentrates.
Conchology:- Study of molluscan shells.
Entomology:- Study of insects.
Ethology:- Study of behavior of animals.
Eugenics:- Study of improvement of human race by improving genetic constitution of human race.
Euphenics:- Study of improvement of human race by altering the proteins during protein synthesis in cells. This is also called Medical engineering.
Euthenics:- Science of improvement of modern generation of man through better nutrition and Environment.
Herpatology:- Study of reptiles.
Icthyology:- Study of fishes.
Karyology:- Study of nucleus.
Malacology:- Study of mollusks.
Mammology:- Study of mammalspaleontology
Microbiology:- Study of microorganisms.
Nematology:- Study of nematodes.
Nidology:- Study of nests of birds.
Ophiology:- Study of snakes.
Palaeontology:- Study of fossils.
Parasitology:- Study of parasites.
Parazoology:- Study of sponges.
Phenology:- Study of bird migration.
Pisciculture:- Rearing of fishes in ponds.
Saurology:- Study of lizards.
Sericulture:- Rearing of silk worms and obtaining silk.

What is a Disease?

A disease is a disturbWhat is a Disease?ed state of body or mind. We generally associate word disease with physical or mental sickness. The disease can be in any part of the body and may or may not be curable. Most of the time we cure the physical illness. Mental sickness is difficult to be identified as this is a relative term and one takes notice of it only in extreme cases. Being healthy means being free of disease; both physically and mentally. It refers to the state of body and mind which is in harmony with the surroundings or environment. Aperfect health is almost difficult to achieve. For time immoreal man has tried to understand the nature and causes of diseases and has tried ways to cure those diseases.

Immune Disorders

Immunodefeciency Disorders
Immunodefeciency means deficiency of the immune system. The children who are born without either T cells or B cells lack the ability to fight against the diseases and so are highly prone to infections.Immune Disorders

Severe Combined Immuno defeciency (SCID): In this disorder both T cells and B cells are absent at birth. Since the body lacks the immune system even a small infection can be fatal. The children have been kept alive by keeping them in the isolation suits which resemble the space suits, in the developed countries. The air inside the suits is almost sterile, without germs so that the child does not catch any infection.

Acquired Immune Defeciency Syndrome – AIDS
Cause of AIDS – Acquired Immune Defeciency Syndrome is a disease caused by a virus that can be passed from one person to another chiefly during sexual contact or through sharing of intravenous drug needles and syringes. Other names: Scientists have named the AIDS virus HIV or HTLV – III or LAV also. These abbreviations stand for information denoting a virus that attacks white blood cells(T-lymphocyte) in the human blood.
HIV – Human Immuno defeciency Virus
HTLV – III – Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type III
LAV – Lymphadenopathy Associated Virus

Introduction to Biology

KnowledgebiologyThe scientific extension of human curiosity has given birth to the science of Biology.
Science is derived from Latin word scientia, means to know (knowledge).
The term 'Biology" is derived from bios, means life and logos, means discourse.
Aristotle is called father of Biology and Zoology.
Term 'biology' is given by Lamarck andTraviranus (1802).
Zoology is the branch of biology in which we study or become familier with the facts of animals life.
A scientific approach in Biology includes: observation, formulation of hypothesis, testing of hypothesis and
development of theory.
We study biology to understand ourselves better, to meet our needs, to solve problems, out of curiosity, to get
foodclothing and shelter, to maintain ecosystem and to conserve our nature resources, etc.
The term systematic, taxonomy and biological classification are often used as synonyms.
The term systematic was coined by Carolus Linnaenus in 1735.
Taxonomy is the study of the principle and procedures of classification.
The term taxonomy (Gr. Taxis, arrangement: nomos, law) was proposed by French botanist August de Candolle