Acarology:- Study of mites and ticks.
Aerology:- Study of flying organisms.
Anatomy:- Study of structure of internal organs.
Anthropology:- Study of natural history of man.
Aphidology:- Study of aphids.
Apiculture:- The rearing of honey bees and obtaining honey.
Aquaculture:- The culture of fish and other aquatic animals.
Araneology:- Study of spiders.
Bacteriology:- Study of bacteria.
Batracology:- Study of frogs.
Carcinology:- Study of Crustaceans.
Cnidology:- Study of coelentrates.
Conchology:- Study of molluscan shells.
Entomology:- Study of insects.
Ethology:- Study of behavior of animals.
Eugenics:- Study of improvement of human race by improving genetic constitution of human race.
Euphenics:- Study of improvement of human race by altering the proteins during protein synthesis in cells. This is also called Medical engineering.Aerology:- Study of flying organisms.
Anatomy:- Study of structure of internal organs.
Anthropology:- Study of natural history of man.
Aphidology:- Study of aphids.
Apiculture:- The rearing of honey bees and obtaining honey.
Aquaculture:- The culture of fish and other aquatic animals.
Araneology:- Study of spiders.
Bacteriology:- Study of bacteria.
Batracology:- Study of frogs.
Carcinology:- Study of Crustaceans.
Cnidology:- Study of coelentrates.
Conchology:- Study of molluscan shells.
Entomology:- Study of insects.
Ethology:- Study of behavior of animals.
Eugenics:- Study of improvement of human race by improving genetic constitution of human race.
Euthenics:- Science of improvement of modern generation of man through better nutrition and Environment.
Herpatology:- Study of reptiles.
Icthyology:- Study of fishes.
Karyology:- Study of nucleus.
Malacology:- Study of mollusks.
Mammology:- Study of mammals.
Microbiology:- Study of microorganisms.
Nematology:- Study of nematodes.
Nidology:- Study of nests of birds.
Ophiology:- Study of snakes.
Palaeontology:- Study of fossils.
Parasitology:- Study of parasites.
Parazoology:- Study of sponges.
Phenology:- Study of bird migration.
Pisciculture:- Rearing of fishes in ponds.
Saurology:- Study of lizards.
Sericulture:- Rearing of silk worms and obtaining silk.
Herpatology:- Study of reptiles.
Icthyology:- Study of fishes.
Karyology:- Study of nucleus.
Malacology:- Study of mollusks.
Mammology:- Study of mammals.
Microbiology:- Study of microorganisms.
Nematology:- Study of nematodes.
Nidology:- Study of nests of birds.
Ophiology:- Study of snakes.
Palaeontology:- Study of fossils.
Parasitology:- Study of parasites.
Parazoology:- Study of sponges.
Phenology:- Study of bird migration.
Pisciculture:- Rearing of fishes in ponds.
Saurology:- Study of lizards.
Sericulture:- Rearing of silk worms and obtaining silk.
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